Tuesday 10 November 2009

Representation, Commando

As part of exploring Representation gender wise (Masculinity and Feminity) we watched Commando, an action film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

As a group we watched the introductory sequence to Arnold's character and were asked to make notes on the characteristics of Commando.  But before doing this we were asked to write a list of presumptions about Commando's role as a father. We were informed that he was a single parent and an ex member of the army/secret agent force.
My presumed list/list we made after watching the sequence contained things such as;
-Follows Schedules
-Hard Working
-Role Model

We then went on to talk about Frued and Phallic symbols.
Frued and Phallic symbol's- Objects of which may represent the males 'Penis'/ size of the males 'Penis'. As a group we then went on to discuss the front cover of the film, we made a short list of notes about how the cover may have representational values to Frued or Phallic symbols. We came up with the size of his muscles, his facial expressions and the size of the gun he was holding.

We then went then on to talk about  his powerful status and all things that connoted with power,
I came up with

After watching the piece  we realised that commando was quite contrasting the points we made above. We discovered his kind nature and loving attitude to his daughter, this was so much so that it was slightly un-comfortable to watch. Due to only being the two of them living together it was almost like watching the relationship between a husband and a wife rather than father and daughter. 
 We expected everything we seen in his physical appearance, his muscle and hard exterior, he looks very intimidating and rugged. And supposedly attractive in the days of which it was released, of course times have changed and Commando is not the typical man of lust.


  1. Jack, this is like an episode of 24. You've left me on a cliff hanger. What on earth happened when you watched it? How was Arnold represented?

  2. Congratulations.

    You are now a member of Team Smith. Our class has been divided in two and I will be personally responsible for ensuring you produce an acceptable piece of coursework and that your blog is exemplary.

    Membership of Team Smith is non negotiable. Failure is not an option. Your badge MUST be work to all Media lessons.

  3. Jack.

    Where is your planning and research for your group's practical?

    Last year as a centre we lost marks due to the poor state of research and planning. You cannot afford to skimp on this area. I need to know what genre you are going to create and what style models you will be using.

    Mr Smith
