Monday 7 December 2009

Favourite Music.

I like this song because it is being played acousticly, I prefer this track rather than the original because I think it appears more personal and you can really tell she can sing.
Recently her music has become extremely popular due to her new sound.

Oasis- Stop Crying Your Heart Out- I love this song and most other songs by Oasis, I think the lyrics seem sad but when you listen to the song you see that there almost encouraging to the listener,.

The Killers- Mr Bright-side- This is one of my all time favorite songs it is so motivational and happy, every time I listen to it, it gives me energy and makes me feel happy.

Lily Allen- 22 and F*ck You- I think I love these songs because of the way it comes across in a light hearted manner yet the lyrics of the song are very serious and political.

The Beatles- Hey Jude-I also love this song, I generally think the Beatles music slightly dated but I think this song is iconic.


  1. Jack. You are falling behind in terms of your blog. Now you've begun the practical element of the course with Mr Ford you need to demonstrate a greater dedication to research and planning.

    If you review your earlier posts (specifically those relating to your preliminary exercises) then you will realise you have some work to do.

    Here is an example of a blog which would get a B for its planning and evaluation of the prelim exercise. Is yours up to this standard? In terms of practical ability you are streets ahead but does your blog reflect this?

  2. An interesting song choice. Your explanation is very effective. I like the way you have included some other songs that have meaning for you. Good work.

  3. (This is very good cop bad cop Mr Ford, though I'm obviously more Gene Hunt to your Columbo.)

    Jack you have somewhat of an eclectic taste in music, if you like Hey Jude then Wild Horses by the Rolling Stones (not the awful Susan Boyle version) should be right up your alley.
