Monday 5 October 2009

Prelim 2- Magazine Cover and Contents Page.

As another introduction to the course and photoshop we were asked to crearte a School Magazine Cover and Contents page. We were asiked to go into groups of 2 I chose to go with Hannah Scoular because I think she has a certain relevance to the school community. At first we chose Dani Haigh to front our magazine cover but later changed it as it was difficult to cut out. Later after deliberating as a group we thought it would make it easier to take another picture and would be visually better quality to take another photol. Unfortunately  Dani was unavailable to take another photo for us at short notice. This caused complication for the group, we later decided to have Miles Splevings as our cover photograph, we chose him  because we thought his look was relevant and likely to be seen on the front of a published magazine.

Over all we were very impressed with out end product, we even considered wether we would buy this magazine.

Here is the starting picture which we took of Miles for our Front cover.

After gaining further feedback from the teacher and making a few minor alterations we transformed the picture above into what we thought was a marketable magazine cover and contents page.


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